Kimberly Brown is a South Carolina born and raised author of contemporary/urban romance, women’s fiction, and erotica. She strives to create stories that readers can visualize in their heads as the pages turn. Writing has been a part of her journey since a young age but really became a focal point during her high school years. She began sharing her love of words with others. In 2019 she took her first step towards becoming a serious writer with self-publishing. August of 2021, she made her BLP debut with “Pretty Caged Bird” and is continuing to grow her catalog with best sellers like “Liberated”, The Burial of a Player”, and “I Could Fall In Love.” With a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from South Carolina State University Kimberly loves to incorporate mental health into her writings as she feels it is not talked about or address enough within the African American community.

Best Sellers:

I Could Fall In Love

Beyond Measures

Where Love Blooms

Deep In My Soul

Burial of a Player

The Last Sad Love Song


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