Congrats to Vi Carter!

Vi Carter’s YOUNG IRISH REBELS, THE CELLS OF KALASHOV, and MURPHY’S MAFIA MADE MEN to Mariel Westphal to Five Editoria (Brazil),  in a multi-book deal by Nikki Groom.

Congratulations Raya!

Raya Morris Edwards’s books 1-5 in the SOVEREIGN MOUNTAIN SERIES, a western romance series set in northern Montana, featuring anti-her male love interests, to Michael Olah, at Dreamscape Media, in a five-book deal, for publication in Spring 2024 by Katie...

Congrats Renee!

Renee Harless’s MADE FOR YOU and ALL FOR YOU, to Victoria Gerken at Podium Audio, in a nice deal, in an exclusive submission, in a three-book deal by Stephanie Phillips.